It's Turkey Day! I personally am not much of a fan of thanksgiving.... I'm so out of it! The noise was annoying... for the most part, I hid out in the car and re-re-read New Moon for something to do. Kind of a wasted day. I came back to watch Elf and A Christmas Story, two of the best x-mas movies ever. I'm kind of sad that Twilight's been getting some crappy reviews, but for the most part they've been giving it what I have 4/5 stars. ^.^ I think I dislike Thanksgiving so much because of the food - I can't stand gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie.... turkey is okay, but I definitely prefer chicken.
I'm just glad we have days off school. I'm exhausted lately, so I've been happy to curl up and read New Moon and teach my sister how to play trombone (although I'm sort of regretting this; she practices Mary Had a Little Lamb far too early in the morning). Also, I'm really lonely! All my friends are out of state for Thanksgiving (at least I've got pets to sit!) and the only one who's emailed me all day is my pen pal from New Zealand. I wish I could go shopping tommorrow, but I've heard it's really nuts and nobody but me would be up for it. *sigh*
Back to the brownies, pjs, and New Moon.
James Kofford at Dressage at Devon
6 years ago
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